

If you are here, it’s because you you want to become the leader God wants you to be. This content was created specifically for you because if you've ever doubted your leadership, I've been there too. This resource is completely FREE because my heart is to resource and encourage the leaders of tomorrow.

As we've learned through the life and leadership of Gideon, there will be times where we make excuses for why we aren't the person for the job. But excuses are just lies we believe.

I've didn't have a mentor growing up, so I relied on the characters in the word of God to lead me, guide me, and teach me. Without a map, mentor, or social media following, the characters we will learn from over the next 15-days will remind us we are:

  • Chosen to lead while feeling unqualified

  • Chosen to lead even in crisis

  • Chosen to lead during times of inconvenience

The best gift you can give your teams, coworkers, family and friends is the healthiest version of you. Join me as we unpack the lives of leaders who have felt much like us in pursuing the call of God over their life.


Fill out the form to download your CHOOSE TO LEAD guidebook.